The Brady Bunch Kids

The Brady Bunch Kids

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Now...on to week 11

Now that my slacker week is over, it's time to get busy and running!

Week 11's workout: 5 minute warm-up, run 17 minutes then walk 1 minute (repeat 3 times), 5 minute cool-down, total of 63 minutes.

The app I use for my running schedule displays motivational quotes each time you open it and I tend to post a few of the ones I really like on my Facebook page every once in a while, but I thought I'd share a few on this post as well. Unfortunately the true authors aren't listed to give proper credit and lets be honest, I am too lazy to look them up. So apologies in advance for not giving credit where credit may be due!

"If you're tired of starting over, stop giving up!"
"The miracle isn't that I finished. The miracle is that I had the courage to start."
"No matter who you are, no matter what you do, you absolutely, positively do have the power to change."
"No matter how slow you go, you are still lapping everyone on the couch."
"There are plenty of difficult obstacles in your path. Don't allow yourself to become one of them." ~Ralph Marston
"The secret to getting ahead is getting started." 
and lastly "If the word quit is part of your vocabulary, then the word finish is likely not."

Sunday: Day off
Monday: 5.84 miles in 63 minutes
Tuesday: Happy New Year!!! Day off but here are my 2012 stats: 122 workouts, 393 miles (if I had noticed I was that close to 400 I would have ran just a bit longer on my last run, or maybe not have skipped last week...bummer!).
Wednesday: Eric went back to work today, so Bre and I had a little bit of snuggle time, followed by lunch with Eric and a little shopping. I decided to get myself a few new sports bras and attempted to get a few shorts, but I guess my size is a popular size, so I only ended up with one pair...oh well. Today's run was pretty awesome, only 2 interruptions from Bre today...should may have tried a few more but I had my iPod on pretty loud (and with a new play list) and I was able to find (and keep) my zone (focus) for almost my entire workout, so even though she was right beside me, she wasn't there! Today's run totaled 5.84 miles in 63 minutes.
Thursday: Finally our house is back into it's normal routine, everyone returned to school and work and the house is all mine!!! Plus it's my workout day OFF, can you say bonus for me????
Friday: Cold and lazy day for me today, although not as cold as some of the kids 'other' houses. Jarom and MyKayla were only at 7 degrees (felt like negative 6 degrees) when there schools started and by the time they were out of school their temp had doubled to a whopping 14 degrees. Usually I don't pay too much attention to their weather unless I hear of a storm heading through, mainly because they live in Utah so they are supposed to have snow and cold temps this time of year, however, I guess one of my friends was trying to make a point to me on Facebook this morning when she tagged me in her screen shot of Utah temperatures that morning. Now don't get me wrong, on one hand I am not complaining that it's absolutely freezing here, BUT, I live in the south! The last winter we were here I wore shorts, t's, and flip flops all year round! And to be honest, if it's going to be this cold, I'd rather be back in the PNW with mountains and snow!
Besides my lazy day, MyKayla and I decided to have a Dance 4 competition. Since we live 2000 miles away we chose the same songs and then tried to get the highest points. I lost...each time! But on some songs I actually came pretty close to her, so it wasn't too bad especially since this was my first time playing the game. I decided I'd 'dance' with her until dinner was ready and then run after dinner BUT...(bet you saw that coming!) as I was getting the last bit of dinner ready Eric called...again. I joked that he better have been in an accident since he was bugging me so much by calling, in which he responded he had a flat tire and was up the street. Of course instead of pulling through the intersection and into the gas station, he pulled onto a side street and that is where he was sitting when Bre and I went to go pick him up. Since dinner was on the stove and oven and it was still the middle of rush hour, we decided to head home and eat and then we would return to deal with the car. After we returned, we got the car across the street and started to put air in the flat tire, unfortunately the air was coming out just as fast as it was being pumped into the tire...a complete side blow-out. Regardless now we were at least at the gas station, with decent light (and a flashlight), and changed out the tire. Afterwards, I made a quick call to SAM's to see if their tire department was still open (the warehouse was due to be open for another hour and a half) but they had just closed...guess I know what we are doing tomorrow! Now it is after 8pm and I half way want to just jump on the treadmill and get this workout over with and the other half of me is saying...'your workout won't be over until 9:15...if you get on the treadmill NOW!' Yea I am running tomorrow...
Saturday: prepare to fall of your chair, or whatever you are sitting on...I actually did my workout today! 5.87 miles in 63 minutes!

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