The Brady Bunch Kids

The Brady Bunch Kids

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Workout 4.1

So my re-do week didn't go so well...actually it didn't really go at all.  I re-did one (1) day of the workout week and then nothing.  I have no excuse and now one week later I can't even tell you what I did the last week.

I prefer to do my couch-to-5k workouts on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, but here it is Tuesday and at 4pm I realize I haven't even started workout week 4.  But I have a great excuse... I did a different workout on Monday.

Several of my friends have been posting on Facebook that they are doing Jillian's workout, which reminded me that I have one of her DVD's!  Of course it would have made more sense to keep my running workout schedule and do the Jillian workout on Tuesdays and tomorrow we run again!

This weeks workout consists of a brisk five minute warm-up, then:
Jog 1/4 mile (or 3 minutes)
Walk 1/8 mile (or 90 seconds)
Jog 1/2 mile (or 5 minutes)
Walk 1/4 miles (or 2.5 minutes)
Jog 1/4 mile (or 3 minutes)
Walk 1/8 mile (or 90 seconds)
Jog 1/2 mile (or 5 minutes)

Are you tired from just reading that???    

The end of this workout ended on minute 26:30, so I decided to do a cool down walk to total 30 minutes.  Today's workout: walked at a pace of 3.8 jogged at a pace of 5.4 for a total of 30 minutes plus my 5 minute walk warm-up resulted in 2.27 miles.

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