The Brady Bunch Kids

The Brady Bunch Kids

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Suck Less Challenge

I came across this challenge on 365 days of awesome's blog. I had a few days of catching up on reading other people's blogs. The first blog title that caught my attention 'Bah, Monday. You're a Jerk.' In her blogs she gives you an update of her results from her previous weeks workout and she also shares her workout plan for the week. I admit, I don't view her results in too much depth as she is a more experienced runner than I but today some of her workout titles caught my eye.

For Monday, Wednesday, and Friday this week it just said Suck Less! Um okay, what does that mean??? But underneath her weeks workout plan she writes "What is the Suck Less Program, you might ask? It's the lazy/ cheap person's at home cross training 'program'."

Whoo hoo sign me up because on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays my 10K training program states to either walk or cross train. With this program I might just do both walking and cross training!

I am going to attempt to copy Suck Less program here, you can also click here to view it.

Suck Less
Go to each of these sites and take the 'initial test'.

Take you results from each initial test and locate the column that your results fall in, this will be your work out column for the week.

This program is a six week program, but for those of us whose initial scores are pretty low, I am thinking after six weeks of retaking the initial test and restarting the program.

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